Financial Information

Master Fees & Charges

Click below to view a complete list of Lake Whatcom Water & Sewer District’s fees and charges schedule.

Master Fees and Charges Schedule 29 (Effective 1.1.23)


Click below to view Lake Whatcom Water & Sewer District’s biennial budget.

2023-24 Biennial Budget

2023.10.11 2023-24 Biennial Budget – Amendment No. 1

2023.12.13 2023-24 Biennial Budget – Amendment No. 2

Quarterly Financial Reports

Click below to view Lake Whatcom Water & Sewer District’s most recent Quarterly Financial Report.

Quarterly Financial Report 1st Qtr 2024

Annual Financial Statements

Click below to view Lake Whatcom Water & Sewer District’s 2023 Final Financial Statements.

2023 Lake Whatcom Water and Sewer District FS and Compilation Report – Final

State Audit

The Washington State Auditors performed a routine financial statement for the years 2022-23, and will be performing their accountability audit for same years in summer 2024. The Auditors reviewed the financial statements in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and Lake Whatcom Water and Sewer District achieved a clean audit.

The State Auditor’s Office is an elected agency and have independence to objectively perform audits. Their audits are designed to comply with professional standards as well as to satisfy the requirements of federal, state and local laws.

Financial Statements Audit Final Report 2022-2023

Accountability Audit Final 2020-2021 (2022-23 report coming in July/August 2024)

2022 Rate Study

Every five years the District reviews its utility rates to ens2023-1231 Lake Whatcom Water and Sewer District FS and Compilation Report – Finalure that they are sufficiently set to finance both inflationary, and projected operating and capital costs into the foreseeable future. In 2021, the District contracted with FCS Group to develop a multi-year rate structure for 2022-2026 and determine the rate increases necessary over the five year planning horizon to finance all objectives for both water and sewer utilities.  Their final report is available below.

2022.02.17 LWWSD Rate Study Report Final

2022 General Facilities Charge Update

In 2022 the District contracted with FCS Group to review and update the General Facilities Charges (GFC) for both water and sewer utilities.  Their final report is available below.

Lake Whatcom Water Sewer District – 2022 GFC Report FINAL