Bid Information: Northshore Road Exposed Sewer Force Main (District Project #M1811)

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Lake Whatcom Water and Sewer District is soliciting bids from contractors on the MRSC Small Works Roster for Stream Restoration.  Below is the Advertisement for Bids which includes more information about the project. Full contract documents can be found at the end of this message. A non-mandatory pre-bid meeting will take place at the District Office at 1220 Lakeway St on Tuesday, July 16 at 10:00 A.M.

M1811 Northshore Rd Exposed Sewer Force Main Advertisement for Bids 2019-07-03

Project Title:      Northshore Road Expose Sewer Force Main (District Project #M1811)

Summary of Work:  The project will encase an exposed 8-inch diameter sewer force main in concrete that is located within a creek that discharges to Lake Whatcom; the intent is to protect the force main from damage and corrosion. Project will cover and protect an exposed sewer force main in Agate Creek, and raise adjacent stream bed to facilitate fish passage. The surrounding streambed will be raised to allow for fish passage over the pipe via a new roughened channel bed. Equipment will be used to move and install rocks, cobbles and streambed sediment. The area around the pipe will be cleared using an open trench methods to clear enough area for 6 inches of concrete to be placed around pipe. Streambed will be filled to bring it to design grade.

Contract Documents:  M1811 Northshore Rd Exposed Sewer Force Main Contract Documents 2019-07-03

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If your home was damaged and rendered unlivable during the Nov 19 wind storm, please contact the District for information on options for suspension of water & sewer billing. See […]

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