Bid Information: On-Site Sewage System Impact Assessment (District Project #A1919)
Back to Announcements Published on 11/19/2019Lake Whatcom Water and Sewer District, in partnership with Whatcom County and the City of Bellingham, is requesting proposals from qualified consultants to assess the impact of on-site sewage (septic) systems in the Lake Whatcom watershed on water quality of the lake. Professional services include collection and analysis of water samples from multiple locations during multiple sample events during the 2019-2020 winter, and providing an assessment of the monitoring findings in a report. The District intends to select the most qualified firm or team of firms for the project. Proposal submittal requirements and project information are available from WCR Plan Center, 2215 Midway Lane, Suite 208, Bellingham, WA 98226, (360) 738-0370 or request access to the project by contacting WCR by e-mail at
Responses shall be delivered by 1:00 pm, December 2, 2019 to Attn: Justin Clary, Lake Whatcom Water and Sewer District, 1220 Lakeway Drive, Bellingham, WA 98229. Questions should be directed to Justin Clary at 360-734-9224 or
Any firm failing to submit information in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Request for Proposals may not be considered responsive and may therefore be subject to disqualification by the District.
Project Title: On-Site Sewage System Impact Assessment (District Project #A1919)
Full Request for Proposals, including Scope of Work: A1919 OSS Impact Assessment Request for Proposals