Commissioner Abele Resignation
Back to Announcements Published on 03/29/2023Commissioner has resigned effective March 31
Lake Whatcom Water and Sewer District (District) Commissioner Laura Abele recently resigned from Position No. 1 of the Board of Commissioners (Board). Citing personal reasons, Commissioner Abele’s resignation is effective March 31, 2023. Per Chapter 42.12 Revised Code of Washington, the remaining commissioners will consider and appoint a qualified resident of Position No. 1 to the Board. That individual will hold the position until the next election at which a member of the Board normally would be elected (November 2023).
Commissioner Abele has been a long-time resident of Sudden Valley, having served nearly 13 years on the Board, including the past seven years as the Board President. Commissioner Abele intends to remain a resident of the Sudden Valley community.
Board of Commissioners President Todd Citron said, “While saddened by this news, I would like to recognize and thank Commissioner Abele for her dedication to the District customers and staff. Laura’s leadership on the Board will be greatly missed, as will be her thoughtful and considerate approach to guiding the Board through difficult policy decisions as Board President these past seven years. It has been an honor to serve with her over the past 13 years and I wish her well as a continuing customer of the District.”