Where does my water come from?

The District has three distinct water systems serving the mostly residential areas around Lake Whatcom.  The Agate Heights water system serves a small residential area near Agate Bay with water from an artesian well.  The water is drawn from the well and undergoes a chlorination and filtration process at our Agate Heights Water Treatment Plant before being piped to the residences that it serves.

The Eagleridge water distribution system serves a small residential area on the North Shore of Lake Whatcom with water that is purchased from the City of Bellingham and piped through the District’s water distribution system to its customers.

The South Shore water distribution system serves the Geneva and Sudden Valley areas with surface water that originates from Lake Whatcom.  The District draws its water from Basin #3 of the lake near Sudden Valley.  The water then enters our water treatment plant where it undergoes filtration and disinfection before being distributed to our customers.  As with all three of our water systems, the water produced at our Sudden Valley Water Treatment Plant is of a very high quality which meets or exceeds all federal and state requirements.