Why does my bill amount change from month to month?

Washington State Law requires that all water systems serving 15 or more residential service connections be metered.  Your water meter measures the volume of water used in your home and from fixtures on your property.  Click here for more information about metered water.

Water use from 0-600 cubic feet per billing period is covered by the base rate.  If more than 600 cubic feet are used, customers are charged per 100 cubic feet.  1 cubic foot of water is 7.48 gallons.

If you use more water in a billing cycle than normal, your bill will increase.  Thinking back to the months covered, did you have guests in your home?  Did you fill a pool or hot tub, a pressure washer, or a watering hose?  Did you have a leaky faucet or discover a toilet was running?  Any of these things can affect your water usage over time.  Many customers bills tend to be higher during the summer months.