Geneva Reservoir and SVWTP Pump House Seismic Improvements
Project Summary (Project No. C2402)
This project will design and construct structural and non-structural improvements to the District’s Geneva Reservoir and the Sudden Valley Water Treatment Plant Pump House Building to meet current seismic standards and ensure continuous operation of both facilities during and after a major seismic event.
Project History
This project will design and construct improvements for two critical components of the District’s South Shore water distribution system.
Sudden Valley Water Treatment Plant Pump House
The Sudden Valley Water Treatment Plant (SVWTP) filters and disinfects all water distributed to the District’s South Shore water system, which is comprised of the Sudden Valley and Geneva communities. An essential component of the SVWTP is the Pump Building that houses four (4) transmission pumps that convey all of the treated water to the South Shore system.
In 2022, Gray & Osborne Inc. completed a seismic evaluation of the Pump Building as part of a SVWTP evaluation and 20-year capital improvement planning effort. The evaluation identified structural and non-structural deficiencies and provided recommended improvements to ensure that the facility will remain in service during and following a major seismic event.
Geneva Reservoir

The Geneva Reservoir is an approximately 500,000-gallon water storage reservoir that provides storage and pressurizes the water distribution that serves the majority of the Geneva community.
In 2016, the District contracted with BHC Consultants to complete a seismic evaluation of the District’s steel water reservoirs, which included the Geneva Reservoir. This evaluation determined that the Geneva Reservoir does not meet current seismic design standards and would not survive a major seismic event.
In 2023, in light of the findings that both structures are seismically deficient, the District applied for and was awarded a FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant to design and construct improvements to both structures to address the identified deficiencies.
In 2024, the District advertised a request for proposals and selected Wilson Engineering to provide design and construction administration services for this project. The District, with the assistance of Wilson, evaluated numerous alternatives, including replacement of the Geneva Reservoir with a new reservoir, and determined that seismic upgrade of the existing structures is the most cost-effective alternative to upgrade the two structures to meet current seismic standards.
Phase 1: Preliminary Design – The first task is to complete preliminary design, which includes additional structural evaluation, geotechnical investigations, survey and preliminary design of the recommended improvements. The Wilson design team is currently preparing the Pre-Design Report, which is scheduled to be delivered to the District in March or early April.
Phase 2: Design – Once preliminary design is complete, the Wilson team will proceed with project design, which will prepare bid documents for advertisement of a public works contract for construction of the seismic improvements of the two structures. Design is anticipated to be completed by the end of 2025 and the construction contract will be advertised for bid in early 2026.
Phase 3: Construction – Construction of the seismic improvements is scheduled to begin in early-2026 and is anticipated to be complete by the end of 2026.
Project Cost
Project Contact
Greg Nicoll, P.E.
District Engineer
Project Library
Agenda Bills
- 2024.05.29 Agenda Bill 6.A. Geneva and Pump House HMG Agreement
- 2024.05.29 6.A.1 Geneva and Pump House HMG Agreement
- 2024.05.29 Agenda Bill 6.B. Geneva and Pump House PSA Approval
- 2024.05.29 6.B.1 Geneva and Pump House PSA
- 2024.10.30 Agenda Bill 6.C. Geneva and Pump House PSA Amendment
- 2024.10.30 6.C.2. Wilson PSA Amendment 1
Other Reference Materials
- None to-date