Lakewood & Rocky Ridge Sewer Lift Stations Improvement Project
Project Summary (Project No. C2112)

The Lake Whatcom Water and Sewer District was originally formed in 1968 to replace individual septic systems in the Geneva community with a comprehensive sewage collection and conveyance system due to degradation of Lake Whatcom water quality from septic systems. Since then, the District’s sewer system has expanded to serve Sudden Valley, as well as much of the development on the north shore of Lake Whatcom outside of Bellingham city limits. The District’s sewage collection and conveyance system serves approximately 4,050 connections and is comprised of approximately 75 miles of sewer main and 26 lift stations that pump sewage generated in the District out the Lake Whatcom Watershed for treatment at the City of Bellingham’s Post Point wastewater treatment plant located in Fairhaven.
To proactively ensure the effective operation of its 26 sewer lift stations, the District systematically completes upgrades to each lift station every 20-25 years (i.e., one to two lift stations are upgraded annually). The District’s Lakewood and Rocky Ridge sewer lift stations, both of which are located along Lake Whatcom Boulevard immediately adjacent to Lake Whatcom, were originally constructed in 1974 and 1979, respectively. These lift stations are scheduled for comprehensive overhaul, including replacement of all pumps and control systems, wet well (sewage storage) rehabilitation, and significant access improvements. Recognizing the proximity of the two facilities and their similar construction, the District combined improvements at both stations into one project to gain cost efficiencies through economies of scale.
Task 1—Design, Permitting, and Easement Acquisition
In 2021, the District executed a professional services agreement with RH2 Engineering to assist with design and permitting of the anticipated improvements to the lift stations. Design, permitting and easement acquisition activities were completed in February 2024.
Task 2—Construction
The project was advertised for bid in accordance with Washington State public works contracting requirements in March 2024. Redpoint Contracting was determined to be the lowest responsive, responsible bidder and awarded the contract. Work was initiated in June 2024, with the bulk of the work anticipated to be completed in August-September 2024.
Project Schedule
Task 1—Design and Permitting—complete
Task 2—Construction—initiated Summer 2024 with an anticipated completion of Fall 2024
Project Cost
Task 1—$442,000
Task 2—$1,672,000
Project Contact
Greg Nicoll
District Engineer
Project Library
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