Public Hearing on Commissioner Redistricting Alternatives
Back to Announcements Published on 03/02/2022District Board of Commissioners to hold public hearing during March 9 meeting
The Lake Whatcom Water and Sewer District (District) is governed by five commissioners that represent five distinct commissioner districts within the overall District boundary. Each commissioner is elected to a six-year term by residents of the associated commissioner district. As a special purpose district authorized under Title 57 of the Revised Code of Washington, the District must review and revise its commissioner district boundaries following receipt of the federal decennial census data to adjust for population changes over the prior decade to ensure all residents have access to fair representation.
With the receipt of the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2020 Census data in Fall 2021, the District has performed an analysis of the data and developed two draft commissioner district boundary alternatives. The District Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing on the two alternatives to gain public input in determination of the preferred alternative to be considered for adoption. The public hearing will be held during the Board’s regularly scheduled meeting starting at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 9, 2022. Adoption of the revised commissioner district boundaries will be conducted at a subsequent regularly scheduled Board meeting. All meetings are currently conducted virtually. For information on how to attend Board meetings, please visit the District’s website at For additional information specific to the commissioner redistricting effort, please visit the District’s website at
Board of Commissioners President Laura Abele said, “The Board is committed to ensuring all District residents have access to fair representation and I encourage all interested individuals to attend the March 9 public hearing to provide your comments on the proposed redistricting alternatives.”